Many of my fellow tattoo addicts probably know what I'm talking about.
First of all, I have to admit the last tattoo in THE LAST AND THE FIRST Vol. 2 post was not the last! There was a last last one that happened on the 15th of December as a part of an artist's exhibiton whom I admired previously, but this made her my personal hero.
(Additional information here.)
I am absolutely in love with what she did.

But.. this is not the main reason for writing this post.
Apparently I have an adhesive tattoo bandage allergy of some sort and according to the World Wide Web,  the thing is not at all rare. I have had some issues previously while using it, but it never got this allarming. The bandage literally corroded my skin at the edges. The whole area where the bandage was placed was red and painful. I tore it off with a scream and tended my tattoo the old school way.

This is what happened after approximately 24 hours.

After a day I got left with an infected wound. It is still in the process of healing and will probably leave a lovely scar for a while.

And the magical circle tattoo. Wold be my first, but the artist turned me down at that time. 
Am more than happy it is here finally.

No Looking Back, Okay?


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