There aren't many things in life that would come close to perfection. I mentioned some of my bests in "The last and the first" post, but what happened roughly a week ago was pure magic. It intertwined many of my firsts and bests.

There were a lot of "cherry popping moments" involved. First time Belgium, first time Brussels, first time Ghent. First crazy science museum. First Flying Tiger store (growing dinosaurs in transparent eggs are bare necessity).
For some... first Ethiophian food (everyone please add this to your "30 things I should try before dying" bucket list). First gay bar. After that.. first shivering DJ experience.

And the highlight: First time Tale of Us @ Kompass.
(Mindblown. Heartblown. Chakrasblown.)

It left me speechless.

Crazy science guy: "As Freddie Mercury would say... It's a kind of magic."

Toukoul: 10/10.

Ghent. #inlove

Perfection. @Kompass #TaleOfUs

ThankYou 💥


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