A lot of time has passed and many things have changed.

Hair is longer (and curlier). Days are (again) getting shorter. I went to Canada and came back. Worked many jobs. Visited many places (like... Canada). Took a picture of Ray Charles star on the Walk of Fame (not the Hollywod one, tho). Met many new people. Too many (turns out I'm an INFP, go figure). Got several new tattoos (my favorite type of needles). Moved around a lot. Fell in and out of love a couple of times. Changed a lot of underwear (not all mine). Did too many dishes (not all mine, either).

But the core remains the same.
I'm still going crazy for needles, colours and patterns.
I'm back and this time we're aiming for the stars, Jack!
(In a sense of keeping this blog running for more than a month.
It's an INFP thing, you wouldn't understand. I hardly understand it myself.)
Because life... that shit is all about perpective.
Proof below.

To the stars!


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