Februarska retrospektiva / February retrospective

Presna malinina torta / Raw raspberry cake

Plezalke / Climbing shoes

Nevesta / The Bride

Februar je krasen mesec, ker je običajno poln novosti in že diši po pomladi.
Letos je bilo tega slednjega manj, novosti pa veliko- od okusnih do nujnih.
Prva je moj največji dosedanji gastro podvig,
ki je več kot uspel po zaslugi nasvetov izkušene pripravljalke presnih tort.
Na drugi sliki je moja rojstnodnevna želja.
(Vodnarji smo zakon.)
Samo še energijo bo treba zbrat in se odpravit v kakšno dvorano.
In moj prvi avto. Fotografija posneta na dan njegovega odhoda.
(Ja, ima ime. Po Umi Thurman.)
Tudi prvi odhod ostane v spominu.
Prvih ne pozabiš nikoli.
Tako vsaj pravijo.

February is a great month, because it's usually full of new stuff and already smells of spring.
This year the smell is delayed, but variety of new things was huge- from delicious to urgent ones.
The first one is my biggest culinary venture,
which has more than succeeded, thanks to advice from experienced raw cake chef.
On the second photo you can see my birthday wish.
(Aquarians rock.)
Now I just have to convince myself to go to a climbing hall.
And my first car. Photo was taken on the day of its departure.
(Yes, it has a name. It was named after Uma Thurman.)
The first departure is also a thing to be remembered.
You never forget the first. 
At least so they say.


Priljubljene objave iz tega spletnega dnevnika

