Pošast / Monster

Zadnje čase imam ustvarjalno zatišje. Čas poskušam zapravljati za stvari, ki jim dolgo nisem posvečala pozornosti. Veliko spim. Berem. Delam to-do liste. Gledam filme z lestvice IMDB Top 250. Zdaj sem pri nekje 78. mestu. Delam še več to-do list. Vmes se je znašla tudi nuja, da se naučim Jacksonove muve iz Thrillerja. In tako ostane bore malo časa za šivanke in barvice in čopiče. Ampak tale je pa za motivacijo. Ob glasbeni spremljavi. Lately I suffer from a lack of creativity. I try spending time on things, I haven't been paying much attention. Sleeping a lot. Reading. Making to-do lists. Watching movies from IMDB Top 250 list. I'm somewhere around 78th place a the moment. Making more to-do lists. In between came also an urge to learn Jacko's moves from Thriller. Thus leaving a very small amount of time for needles and crayons and brushes. But this one is for motivation. Accompanied by music.