Rdeča zebra / The Red zebra
Moj najljubši način poslikave majic je s samolepilno folijo.
Vse, kar potrebuješ, je ideja, prej omenjena folija, olfa nožič, barva za tekstil
in seveda površina, kjer bo ideja naslikana.
Narišeš, izrežeš, prilepiš, pobarvaš, odlepiš, polikaš.
In je.
V našem primeru- Rdeča zebra.
Majhna slabost omenjene tehnike je, da lahko eno idejo uporabiš le enkrat.
Ampak je potem vsaj ziher unikat.
My favorite way of painting T-shirts is with the adhesive film.
All you need is an idea, the aforementioned film, Stanley knife, textile paint
and of course the area where your idea will be painted on.
Draw, cut, paste, paint, detach, iron.
And it's done.
In our case- the Red zebra.
Small disadvantage of this technique is that you can use your idea only once.
But at least you can be sure, that it's unique.
Še malo glasbe za ustvarjalno vzdušje: / Some mood music:
Vse, kar potrebuješ, je ideja, prej omenjena folija, olfa nožič, barva za tekstil
in seveda površina, kjer bo ideja naslikana.
Narišeš, izrežeš, prilepiš, pobarvaš, odlepiš, polikaš.
In je.
V našem primeru- Rdeča zebra.
Majhna slabost omenjene tehnike je, da lahko eno idejo uporabiš le enkrat.
Ampak je potem vsaj ziher unikat.
My favorite way of painting T-shirts is with the adhesive film.
All you need is an idea, the aforementioned film, Stanley knife, textile paint
and of course the area where your idea will be painted on.
Draw, cut, paste, paint, detach, iron.
And it's done.
In our case- the Red zebra.
Small disadvantage of this technique is that you can use your idea only once.
But at least you can be sure, that it's unique.
Še malo glasbe za ustvarjalno vzdušje: / Some mood music:
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