Pol-presni impro / Semi-raw impro

Zadnje čase me drži na presne in pol-presne torte. Ker mi kuharija, kjer je treba uporabljat temperaturo, pa naj bo v plus ali minus, nikakor ne leži, je taka kuha idealna zame. Ta pol-presna torta je bla čista improvizacija, zato tudi ne najbolj teksturno in vizualno posrečena (po dveh tortah še pač nisi mojster), je bila pa vsaj okusna. Banana+kokos+maline. In keksasta spodnja plast. Mmmm. Lately i'm all about raw and semi-raw cakes. Since i'm not very fond of temperature based cooking, whether it be in plus or minus, such cooking is perfect for me. This semi-raw cake was pure improvisation, that's why its texture and visual appearance wasn't very flattering (it simply takes more than two cakes to make you a master), but at least it was tasty. Banana+coconut+raspberries. With cookies on the bottom. Mmmm.